I'm about 7 1/2 months pregnant and this is my first pregnancy update- lol.
I am going to be honest with you. I really don't love being pregnant. It's just not my fav thing. Don't get me wrong I am obsessed with my son and already in love with the one on the way but the actual journey of being pregnant and all the things that come along with it- just not my fav. To the women who say they love being pregnant and miss their belly after its gone, I envy you. I also at the same time sort of think you are full of it :P j/k
Here are some updates with my pregnancy so far:
Weight Gain: 13 lbs about the same as last time, maybe a little less.
Baby: It's a boy (if you didn't know) he is measuring 3 lbs 4 ounces (but who knows if that ish is accurate). He is BUSY. He is head down (hopefully for good) and I already feel very connected to him.
Cravings: Ice cold water (just like pregnancy 1) I must drink 4 liters a day easy. I also have been really into salmon avocado brown rice sushi rolls. Been having this like twice a week. Yes, its raw. I like to live on the edge.
Nutrition: Honestly good. I can't have gluten or dairy or eggs so its honestly pretty easy to eat clean. Anything yummy I would want to cheat on includes one of those ingredients so I just don't eat it. I hate cooked veggies right now but am fine with raw so I have been doing raw veggies and lots of salads.
Sleep: Kinda sucks, but getting better. For like two weeks I would wake up and stay awake for like 2 hours in bed. It was SO annoying. I think that's over though. Hopefully.
Currently having trouble with: Balancing work, pregnancy and mom life. Why is this so hard. I always feel like I am short changing something.
Currently working on: Being present in the moment when I am with my son and husband. My mind is always racing, thinking about work, what I need to do, what I forgot to do, how to be more successful, what to study next that can bring more to my programs and better results to my clients. The list honestly goes on forever. I've been trying to put my phone face down and not look at it when I am with them. Every time my mind drifts to work I try to give myself a mental nudge to bring myself back into the moment with my family. It's hard but I think it's important and I think our kids notice if we are really present or not.
Nursery: I have the design but haven't bought one effing thing yet. I am behind. So busy- who has the time to even online shop when you have kids and a crazy ass schedule?! Here is the design or mood board for it- what do you think? I'm so happy with it! My friend Jenny Leu from @forestandj helped me with it. I can't wait to bring it to life! I'll share more as we put it together. You can check out Jenny's designs here: https://www.instagram.com/forrestandj/
Work: It's great, its crazy. I know I seem like I have a ton of energy, which I guess I do, but honestly by the time Sunday comes around (I work 6 days a week) I am really beat. I will probably stop all of my private client sessions soon. It's just too much. MY goal when I got pregnant was to not work 10-12 hour days anymore, which is honestly what most of my weekdays were. I cut back on some things and tried to simplify but it's all crept back up and I'm working at least 10 hours a day again. So I have to change that asap. It's just too much. Mama is getting big and tired and I also want to have more time with my son before he isn't an only child anymore.
One thing I want to do for myself: I haven't had a pedi or manicure in probably 6-10 months? I can't even remember the last time. Going to find the time to do this before birth.
Workouts: I train 4-5 days a week. Usually 4 and well, you see what I do on my page. Cross-fit or strength and conditioning usually x 2 a week and Barry's Bootcamp 2-3 days a week. I think this is a great program for pregnancy. This is also exactly what I do when I am not pregnant. My weights have dropped by 15% maybe 20% on some lifts from what I do not pregnant. For those of you that speak Barry's, pre-pregnancy my jog pace is 7.0-7.5MPH depending on the day. Now it is more like 6.0MPH and sometimes if I feel good I'll finish the interval at advanced speeds. I have been able to sprint at advanced speeds (12.5MPH and higher) the whole pregnancy. Recently I did a very stupid thing and went to a spin class and it f*cked my hips ALL up. Been trying to get re-aligned and loosened up to get rid of some pubic discomfort I had because of it. Spin DOES not agree with my body. Even not pregnant- just not my friend. Anyway, I have been doing a lot more inclines instead of speed when running bc of this and even one week I only worked out 3 times to give myself a chance to loosen up and reset. I feel a lot better. I think I should be good now.
Birth Plan: fu*k it, you guys. I think I want to try for a natural VBAC. Yes, maybe I am crazy but this has ALWAYS been a dream of mine. I don't think I've ever wanted to achieve a physical and mental goal so badly in my life. And I have had a lot of physical goals given my line of work and lifestyle. I get it, if you don't get it. Last time, things didn't work out. Hopefully this time it will be different. If you're new to my page you can find my birth story of what happened with my first son here: https://nancyandersonfitness.myshopify.com/blogs/news/kenzies-birth-story
I'll try to do another one of these at some point. Xo- Nancy